Spring is there somewhere right?

I think big P misses the warm weather the most. She is just itching to get her hands on bugs and dirt and really longs to just run and run and run. Maybe, she'll share some of that running attitude with mommy!

Little P is right there with sissy staring out the back door at the snow that decided to make its way back into Kansas this weekend. They have a friend now, her name is Big A, and she has two little sisters who adore the big girls. She stares out her door too for the P's, and if they are out, I kid you not, Big A is out in two minutes! The time it takes to get either her mommy or daddy to agree. Its such a sight to see and such a wonderful feeling, watching these kids just wanting to enjoy their backyards with a friend. I will definitely have to break out Kris' camera and take pictures of them later this week when the snow melts and yes it's 75 degrees. Gotta love this Kansas yo-yo called weather!

Speaking of Little P, she decided to give herself a homemade haircut last week. Just enough in the front to have sad bangs and once we took her to Darla our hairdresser that works her magic, we found out she took an inch off the right side too! So her bob is much shorter and has the beginnings of bangs, we have to wait a few more weeks to get real bangs cut. There are worse things and it is comical I know but still, a little scary knowing she got her hands on "big people" scissors!

I am trying my darnedest to decide what to get them involved in. I know swimming lessons are a must and we will be signing them up for those possibly this weekend at the Y. But, we had such a bad experience at Big P's gymnastics class, I'm a little apprehensive. Backgrounder: (Her class was scheduled to get out at 7:25, around 7:15 Little P informed me she had to potty so we went about 12 feet across the hall to the bathroom. At 7:20, Kris walked up to find Big P in the middle of the little strip mall sobbing, heart-broken, scared-to-death sobbing! They had let class out early and no one noticed this little blonde out there by herself. She could've been snatched and I was only 12 feet away and would NOT have known. The reality of how scary it could've been is a bit too much sometimes but I am forever grateful for the Angels who were watching over her that day) SO that said, we're not sure. Both girls are very into music and dancing and Big P was very good in her beginning Ballet classes, so hopefully we'll make up our minds by the time the fall classes begin. Maybe T-ball this summer? We'll see. I know our time of crazy activity scheduling is around the corner so we need to relish in this as much as we can. Sigh, where does the time go?


Anonymous said…
Dawson has been playing soccer at the Lake and he loves it! This might be an idea for you! The Spring season is getting ready to start so get them signed up! As far as t-ball....I haven't found anything good for kids under 5...we just signed Dawson up to play at the lake this summer, he is finally old enough, if Piper wants to play there, you might hurry with that too! If not, I think there is a coach pitch softball out at the North Community Center.

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