Here we are in another New Year!

Boy, time creeps away from me. I didn't realize that I hadn't blogged about the joys of Christmas and big P's 5th birthday. Then again, we did just move and that has taken up a lot of my time and energy.

I don't normally make a New Year's resolution that really has any power or meaning behind it. Partly because I've never really seen the point and partly because I've never been good at it. This year however, is much different. We are starting a new year in a new home with new outlooks. While we have so many blessings to count, we do have some things we as a family and we as individuals (Kris and I) have to change in order for us to succeed in our new journey. So, while I try not to make resolutions, and try to just focus on being "better", sometimes a definition of what "better" is, is truly needed.

I have found myself in a corner of the room where I never expected to be. I am more negative than positive, never express my true opinions of what I want and what I expect. I've found myself more lazy than motivated and I don't finish what I start. YIKES!! Who am I?????

So, my resolutions go a little like this:
*Be responsible (with my time and our money)
*Be accountable (finish what I start, do what I say I will)
*Be positive (stop nit-picking the P's for the little things and focus on the good)
*Be motivated (embrace life for what it is, a gift!)
*Be ready (ready for life's little ups and downs and more prepared what I do have some control over)
*Be Liz (somewhere along this journey, I've forgotten who I am and what I stand for, time to get that girl out of the corner)

So there's my list...there are more subtitles to the Be's, like losing weight and getting healthy, but its the outline that makes the difference. I'm ready to "BE" the person I want others to be. Thankfully Kris is willing to go on this journey beside me, of course working on his "BE"s too, but it will truly be what's best for the P's, and for us.


kristen lewis said…
Great post! Good luck on your journey!

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