Time flies...

It's been a month since I've blogged. Wow, time flies doesn't it? It's so weird how that works as we get older, I say to myself here are the people I'm going to call tonight when I get the girls to bed and before I know it, it's late and I don't end up calling them, then a month passes by and I feel bad for not being a better friend, neice, granddaughter etc.

The girls are doing good, getting big and making life more enjoyable every day. I do worry though, that I spend too much of my time around them, cleaning house, getting errands ran, to really sit and enjoy their little minds. Its so easy to get wrapped up into "to-do" lists, and laundry piles and everything else that I think I just have to do right now!

I caught myself last night getting so angry with them for bugging me! I mean seriously, what am I thinking? Some day they will be off doing their own things and not have time for me and I will wish they were around to bug me. These are little, wonderful people who need their mommy and daddy to slow down, enjoy life for the moment and soak them in. I think if Kris and I really take the moments to play with them, read with them and just breathe, we will feel the rewards in all parts of our life as a family. We are doing so much better than we have been, but there are moments we take a few steps back. It is so easy to think why can't they just be big and do this, or say "you're a big girl, act like it". No, mommy and daddy, they are little girls who need your attention, all of it! So as time flies, I am going to take a few moments to appreciate these amazing little people God has loaned us.


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