Helping the process

It's been an hour since I put the girls to bed and they are still in the "every excuse to stay awake phase". Parker used to be our sleeper, she would go right to bed and not even bat an eye. Piper on the other hand is our night owl and has been since I was pregnant with her and worked nights. I know, it's our fault because we have given in every other time. I can't even tell you how many times I've allowed her to lay with me just so she wouldn't wake up her sister. We also tried the put Parker to bed first then Piper scenario, yeah that didn't work either. Since they share a room it's hard, when one is crying both are awake sometimes until the wee hours. SO here we are on night # 5 and they are still awake but at least in their room. We have to use the baby gate since their bedroom is so close to the stairs, but that thing helps us so much. Are we cruel for keepign them in there like animals? Not if it means sleep for mommy and daddy! I hope that the 2 hours up past bedtime will eventually turn into 1 hour, then half an hour then no fight at all. It's quiet right at this moment, not sure if that means they've given up or if it means I will go up there to find Hurricane P has hit their bedroom again. Either way, it's a journey that is long over due! For the girls and their need for routine, for mommy and daddy and their time alone, and for our family to move forward together. SO here's to a good night's sleep!


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