A Time for Change

Today is one of those days when you look back and think of where you were.
Since today is the 6th Anniversary of the September 11th attacks, we are all looking back 6 years.
6 years ago, Kris and I were newly engaged and living together in a small apartment. We were looking forward to planning a wedding and just living our lives.
6 years ago, the terror attacks happened and we realized we were our lives had changed forever. No, neither one of us knew anyone killed in the attacks.
We did however, grieve our innocence, with the rest of the nation and had our television on 24 hours, waiting and fearing what could possibly come next.
I remember the shear panic we felt that entire first week after the attacks.
And I also remember thinking that maybe I should take the call to duty and serve my country.
I even made a silent promise to those killed in the attacks that I would serve this country in their honor.
I never made good on that, I came close when it came time to graduate from Washburn University in May 2003. However, that last semester of school brought us another surprise. This surprise was probably one of the best my heart has ever endured, that we were about to become parents, to Piper.
So while I've never had a chance to serve this country in the military sense, I am serving this country now as a parent. A parent to the next generation of Americans. And I pray this next generation can generate more peace and find a way to find that innocence we lost 6 years ago.
I take this duty very seriously!
So while we reflect and mourn those terrible attacks. I sit and pray that I can keep the promise to our girls and to our country.


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