
Showing posts from 2024

Finishing Off a Weird Year

 2024 wasn't pretty. It's not that it was all bad. There were some incredible times and some truly beautiful moments. However, there were some definite dark times. Times that I'd like to file away in the "move on" pile.  I don't walk away from 2024 without acknowledging the lessons learned. I dipped back into old habits way too many times. THANKFULLY, the waist line didn't expand too much and the checking account has recovered. I'm hoping to walk into 2025 ready to take on life and live it, rather than react to it. Seems pretty simple right? Here's to a happy, healthy, hopeful 2025! May we all be better versions ourselves.

Odd times

 I don't blog much, if at all. I don't write much, if at all. That makes me sad putting that to words. I miss being creative. I miss finding words just flow, and flow and then flow some more. I feel like this part of life, is so busy and by the end of the day, I barely have time to gather my thoughts, much less share them. I need to adjust the balance of what I do each day. I have been able to find more time for myself, working out, reading etc. But more adjustments need to be made. Even if I'm the only one reading my words, I need to put them out there. Watching our girls navigate adulthood is humbling. I think at their age I just winged it and pretended to be an adult, pretended to have it together. At my age, it's pretty much the same thing, only now, I have to guide them through it and pretend I know what I'm doing. I have no shame in admitting any of that to them as we guide them, or attempt to. Life is way harder now than it was when Kris and I were there age....