
Showing posts from December, 2019

It's been a minute...

Time flies. And as a parent of now teenage daughters, it is flying really freaking fast! It has been a minute or 30 since I've sat down and put my thoughts to this blog. Life happens. I am now into my 10th month at a new job, working for an incredible company, doing things and learning about an industry I had no desire to ever be in before. What sold me was the company. The way they don't just make money and help people invest or spend theirs, but how they invest in the city I live in. My friend is the community engagement coordinator for the company, yes we have one of those, and she is a true ambassador for what we do. She sold me. November 2018, Kris told me he wanted to be home more and wanted to leave his second part-time job. I realized I needed to leave the school district and get a "grown up job" with a grown up paycheck. However, I did not want just any job. If I was going to give up time with our girls so he could get some back, it had to be working some...